

Gabon (355) Gaborone (77) Galapagos Islands (132) Galápagossaaret (71) Galicia (159) Galicia (Poland and Ukraine) (187) Galicia (Region) (150) Galicia (Spain : Region) (107) Galicien (83) Galilee (102) Galilee (Israel) (139) Galitsia (92) Gallia (155) Gallipoli Peninsula (200) Galveston (67) Gambia (505) Gambia, The (100) Gamla Finland (357) Gamla Raumo (98) Gamlakarleby (294) Gammelstadsfjärden (91) Gardajärvi (91) Gary (68) Gaul (471) Gaza (291) Gaza Strip (665) Gdansk (205) Gdańsk (67) Geneva (119) Geneva (Switzerland) (94) Geneve (231) Genève (176) Genoa (Italy) (125) Genova (84) Geographic Locations (110) Georgia (4 096) Georgia (Republic) (836) Georgien (817) Germania (74) Germany (64 321) Germany (East) (2 787) Germany (West) (4 664) Germany, East (67) Germany, Northern (76) Germany, Southern (72) Germany, West (220) Geta (205) Gettysburg (77) Ghana (3 520) Gibraltar (278) Glasgow (321) Glasgow (Scotland) (123) Goa (100) Gotland (712) Gotlanti (987) Gran Canaria (100) Granada (134) Grand Canyon (92) Grand Canyon (Ariz.) (96) Grande-Bretagne (1 454) Grankulla (562) Great Basin (270) Great Britain (109 771) Great Lakes (North America) (259) Great Lakes Region (North America) (315) Great Plains (787) Grèce (192) Greece (17 765) Greenland (409) Grekland (7 098) Grenada (204) Griechenland (101) Grossbritannien (455) Großbritannien (150) Gräsviken (Helsingfors) (107) Grönland (1 507) Grönlanti (2 272) Guadeloupe (148) Guam (155) Guangdong Sheng (98) Guangdong Sheng (China) (72) Guangzhou (158) Guangzhou (China) (120) Guantánamo Bay Naval Base (101) Guatemala (2 048) Guatemala (valtio) (495) Guernsey (67) Guinea (736) Guinea-Bissau (351) Gujarat (180) Gulf Coast (215) Gulf Coast (U.S.) (180) Gulf States (121) Gustav Adolfs (207) Gustavs (342) Guyana (572) Gårdsbacka (Helsingfors) (104) Gävle (73) Göteborg (1 170) Göttingen (193)